Illinois ATE Bylaws
Section 1. The amount of annual dues for all members of the Illinois Association shall be determined by the Executive Council.
Section 2. Registration fees for the annual meeting shall be determined by the Executive Council.
The duties of the officers shall be such as their titles imply and the Bylaws state.
A. The President shall:
1. assume office on July 1 and serve a period of one year.
2. serve as Chair of the Executive Council.
3. appoint elected members of the Executive Council to serve as members of standing committees in such a manner as to have at least one elected Council member on each standing committee.
4. appoint the Membership Chair and standing committee chairs as designated in Article V of the Constitution.
5. appoint the chair and members of all ad hoc committees.
6. act for the Illinois Association between its meetings.
7. appoint replacements to the Executive Council, should a vacancy exist.
8. appoint replacements to the Delegate Assembly, should a vacancy exist.
9. call special meetings of the Executive Council as needed.
10. reserve rooms for meetings of the Executive Council.
11. solicit agenda items from the members of the Executive Council.
12. notify Executive Council members of the times and places of Council meetings three weeks in advance and include an agenda in the notification.
13. attend the ATE meeting as a representative of the Illinois Association.
14. be a member of the Continuity Committee.
15. remind the Nominations and Elections Committee of elections to be held in the spring.
16. remind the Communications Committee to publicize the annual fall meeting, the spring conference, and the ATE meeting.
17. call and chair a meeting of the Executive Council on the day preceding the annual fall meeting and at least one other time during the year.
18. at the fall Executive Council meeting appoint a committee of two members of the Council to audit the Treasurer's books and report the findings for action during the meeting.
19. preside at the annual fall meeting, the spring conference, and the ATE meeting.
20. present new officers to the membership.
21. transfer a file of information to the President-elect on July 1 and serve in an advisory capacity for one year.
B. The President-elect Shall:
1. assume office on July 1 prior to the year of service as President.
2. preside at meeting of the Executive Council in the event the President is absent.
3. assume all responsibilities of the office of the President in the event the President shall be unable to fulfill the duties.
4. be Chair of the Meeting Committee.
5. be Chair of the Budget Committee.
6. be a member of the Continuity Committee
C. The Immediate Past President shall:
1. be advisor to the new President.
2. be Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee.
3. be Chair of the Continuity Committee.
4. be a member of the Budget Committee.
D. The Secretary shall:
1. assume office on July 1.
2. take and distribute minutes of the meetings of the Illinois Association and the Executive council.
3. attend the IATE correspondence and file copies of such communications.
4. be a member of the Continuity Committee.
E. The Treasurer shall:
1. assume office on July 1.
2. after receiving Illinois Association funds and ledger from the past Treasurer, open a checking account in the name of the organization.
3. deposit fees as received.
4. pay current bills upon presentation.
5. record all items of receipt and expenditure in the ledger.
6. prepare a financial report for all regular meetings.
7. have books ready for audit (ledger and checkbook) at the annual fall meeting.
8. transfer to the new Treasurer all books and ledgers with a written financial statement.
9. be a member of the Budget Committee.
10. be a member of the Continuity Committee.
A. The Executive Council shall:
1. be the governing body of the Illinois Association.
2. implement policy of the Illinois Association.
3. have the power to approve presidential appointments
a. Chairs of standing committees
b. Chair of the Membership Committee
c. vacancies on the Executive Council
d. ad hoc committees and commissions
4. appoint an Executive Director for a three-year term of office, establish an annual maximum amount to offset professional expenses, monitor performance of stated duties, and terminate appointment as warranted.
5. as individual members serve on at least one standing committee when appointed by the President and assume other responsibilities at the request of the President.
6. approve budgetary matters.
7. appoint representatives to meet with professional groups.
8. act upon the recommendations of the various standing committees.
9. have the right to nominate one person to each office after receiving the slate of candidates from the Nomination and Election Committee.
10. schedule other local, regional or state meetings as needed.
11. assume office on July 1 for a term of three years.
12. meet at the times and places of the annual meeting of the Illinois Association and the ATE annual meeting or as called by the President.
A. The Executive Director shall:
1. be the primary driving force behind all activities of the Association.
2. provide leadership, visibility, and continuity for the goals and activities of the Association to enable the Association to realize its potential as a significant force in educational leadership in Illinois.
3. act as a liaison and an advocate for the goals and activities of the Association with ATE, with state agencies, and with other state associations.
4. serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Council of the Association (without a vote) by participating in decisions of the Council, by reporting at least annually to the Council on activities of the Executive Director, by assisting members in maintaining activities on schedule, and in the development of the agenda.
5. Facilitate ongoing activities of the Association through the following:
a. oversee membership records of the Association and work with the Membership Committee to promote membership;
b. oversee financial records of the Association and the checking and savings accounts as directed by the Executive Council, work with the Treasurer to ensure proper distribution of expenditures.
6. Facilitate communication activities of the Association through the following:
a. solicit and preserve minutes, reports, and other materials from past meetings and activities of the Association;
b. assist in the development and distribution of appropriate communications for the Association;
c. as requested by officers and committees of the Association, distribute the items to the committees or the membership.
7. assist the Meetings Committee as requested in the distribution of information, financial matters, and conduct of the meetings.
8. perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or Executive Council.
9. attend and, along with the President, represent the Association at regional and national meetings of ATE.
10. maintain communication with ATE by notifying the office of all elections and appointments of the Association and information regarding all meetings of the association.
11. serve as a member of the Continuity Committee, the Meetings Committee, and the Legislative Committee.
B. Qualifications of the Executive Director:
1. demonstrated ability to provide leadership and management skills for activities of the Association.
2. active member of IATE and ATE who is familiar with ongoing activities of the Association.
3. it is assumed that the Executive Director will be able to acquire support services to support activities of the office.
With the exception of the Budget Committee and the Continuity Committee, chairs shall appoint committee members with the approval of the Executive Council. At least one member of the Executive Council will be on each standing committee.
A. The Budget Committee shall:
1. consist of the President-elect as chair, the Past President, the Treasurer, the Chair of the Communications Committee, and a member from the Executive Council appointed by the President.
2. submit the budget for the coming year prior to the spring meeting.
B. The Communications Committee shall:
1. have at least five members, one of whom shall be the Executive Director.
2. make the Illinois Association, its personnel, program, and publications known to:
a. the Illinois State Board of Education.
b. all teacher education institutions in Illinois.
c. all classroom teachers cooperating in teacher preparatory programs.
3. edit the Newsletter.
4. publicize the state and national meetings.
5. make a written report for distribution at the meetings of the Executive Council.
C. The Continuity Committee shall:
1. consist of the Past President, President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair and the Executive Director (ex-officio and non-voting).
2. be chaired by the Past President.
3. request bulletins and other materials from ATE.
4. inform new officers of plans and projects of the Association.
5. plan, organize, and conduct leadership conferences and assist officers and committee chairs in discharging their responsibilities.
6. coordinate the functions of the Executive Director and implement the policies of the Association.
7. make a written report for distribution at the meetings of the Executive Council.
D. The Legislative Committee shall:
1. consist of at least five members, including the Executive Director.
2. watch city, state, and federal legislation that may have any possible effect on the Illinois Association's activities and bring such matters to the attention of the President.
3. request bulletins and other materials from ATE.
4. be represented at Executive Council meetings by its chair who shall:
a. report to the Council on legislative matters pertinent to the Illinois Association.
b. seek guidance and counsel from the group.
c. communicate the thoughts and actions of the Council to the respective legislative bodies.
d. be prepared to furnish the President with the names and addresses of legislators involved when the need arises for communication.
e. make a written report for distribution at the meetings of the Executive Council.
E. The Meetings Committee shall:
1. be chaired by the President-elect.
2. consist of at least five members.
3. recommend to the Executive Council the time and place for all meetings of the Illinois Association.
4. select dates and themes and recommend these for approval by the Executive Council.
5. recommend the budgets to the Executive Council.
6. be responsible for the evaluation of the various meetings.
7. be responsible for the formulation of policies to guide the conduct of the various meetings; such policy to be recommended for approval.
8. submit progress reports through the chair at the regular meetings of the Executive Council.
9. be responsible for:
a. consulting frequently with the President and the Executive Director concerning the plans for the forthcoming meeting.
b. obtaining a speaker (or speakers) for the meeting, with notification to the speaker that a copy of the speech is desired for inclusion in the Fall Newsletter.
c. preparing and printing the program.
d. making arrangements for hospitality, local arrangements, publicity, tours (when possible).
e. listing and mailing to the membership information concerning: program, travel, overnight accommodations, and registration fees,
f. cooperating with the Communications Chair for statewide coverage of the meeting.
g. maintaining a record of expenditures and submitting a report to the Treasurer.
F. The Membership Committee shall:
1. consist of at least five members.
2. encourage prospective members to join IATE and ATE:
a. at the annual meetings.
b. by correspondence.
c. in their respective institutions and surrounding areas.
3. provide prospective members with the information and membership forms of the Illinois Association and ATE.
4. stimulate interest of past members in rejoining the Illinois Association.
5. cooperate with the Chair in planning the drive for the year.
6. be chaired by the presidential appointee who shall:
a. bring a written report for distribution at the meetings of the Executive Council for inclusion in the minutes.
b. maintain current membership records and keep a five year membership record.
c. prepare a membership directory for distribution to the Executive Council and the membership at large.
d. be a member of the Continuity Committee.
G. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall:
1. be chaired be the Immediate Past President.
2. consist of at least three members.
3. prepare a list of candidates for the officers, Executive Council, and Delegate Assembly as vacancies develop. A name shall not be placed on the ballot until the nominee has given his/her consent. The Committee should check that all prospective candidates are qualified for office as determined by the Constitution and should consider geographical distribution of the candidates as well as the correct proportion of college and teacher personnel.
4. present a slate of candidates to the Executive Council at the spring meeting. The Executive Council has the right to add one name for each position.
5. conduct the election during late spring and submit the results to the President for notification of all candidates.
6. make a written report for distribution at the meetings of the Executive Council.
H. The Research Committee shall:
1. consist of at least five members.
2. encourage, initiate, and engage or coordinate the engagement of others in program development and research.
3. locate and/or recommend sources of funding outside of the Illinois Association for research or program development.
4. submit to the Communications Committee recommendations for publications.
5. make a written report for distribution at the meetings of the Executive Council.
I. The Standards and Performance Committee shall:
1. consist of at least five members.
2. develop and/or work with other professional organizations in teacher education in the development and interpretation of quality standards that refer to the intent and scope of the Illinois Association and recommend them for approval.
3. serve as the study and recommending body for local affiliates.
4. recommend censure, expulsion, suspension, and reinstatement of members and affiliate organizations when appropriate.
5. be empowered to hear grievances from minority groups arising from Illinois Association policies and recommend procedures for their resolution.
6. serve as the study and recommending body for Constitutional revisions.
7. make a written report for distribution at the meetings of the Executive Council.
J. The Resolutions Committee shall:
1. present with recommendations to the Executive Council resolutions which state the principles, policies, and goals of the Association as well as resolutions which direct action or state the position of the Association on matters of current importance.
2. consider and formulate resolutions based upon:
a. the diverse thinking and concerns of the membership.
b. the recommendations of authorized units.
c. the deliberations and actions of the committee and Executive Council.
d. an examination of pronouncements of allied organizations.
3. resolutions must be passed by a two-thirds margin of the Executive Council.
K. The Journal Committee shall:
1. consist of five members including the Editor, Assistant Editor, and a representative from the Research Committee, Communications Committee, and the Executive Council.
2. propose a journal format, editorial process and recommended number of issues per year to the Executive Council for approval.
3. develop guidelines for articles, article selection, and printing.
4. be responsible for publishing an approved journal the number of times yearly as approved by the Executive Council.
5. make a written report for distribution at the meetings of the Executive Council.
L. There shall be such other committees as the Executive Council deems necessary.
The President, with the approval of the Executive Council, may appoint or dissolve ad hoc committees and commissions as deemed necessary.
Section 1. An associate unit may be organized upon submission of an application to the chair of the Standards and Performance Committee of this Association.
Section 2. A minimum of ten individual members of a local affiliate unit must remit state dues.
Section 3. A local unit affiliate shall have full autonomy with respect to its local programs provided that they are in keeping with the purposes as stated in Article II of the Constitution and Article X of the Bylaws.
Section 4. A representative of the affiliate unit who is a member of ATE and IATE shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Council of IATE and shall act as the liaison person between the local and state units.
The fiscal year shall extend from July 1 through June 30 of the following year.
The period of membership for each person who joins the Illinois Association and pays the annual dues shall extend for a twelve-month period from the month in which the membership dues are received.
Section 1. Opportunities for full participation without regard to race, color, sex, or creed shall be provided by the Illinois Association.
Section 2. The Illinois Association shall provide in good faith equal service, interchanges, and opportunities for leadership.
These Bylaws may be amended by approval of two-thirds of those voting in a mail ballot provided that notice of the proposal changes had been given to the eligible membership three months prior to balloting.
All business meetings shall be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Parliamentary Procedures provided that such rules do not conflict with any provision of this Constitution or Bylaws.