IATE Standing and Ad Hoc Committees
Standing Committees
Budget Committee
This committee submits the budget for the coming year.
Communications Committee
This committee's responsibilities include publicizing the IATE to the Illinois State Board of Education, all teacher education institutions, and all classroom teachers cooperating in the preparation of teacher; editing the Newsletter; and publicizing all conferences.
Continuity Committee
This committee insures that the work of the IATE functions correctly.
Journal Committee
This committee's responsibilities include proposing, editing, printing, and distributing a journal.
Legislative Committee
This committee has the responsibility to watch local, state, and federal legislation that might have possible effect on IATE activities.
Meetings Committee
This committee makes plans for conferences and meetings of the IATE.
Membership Committee
The responsibilities of this committee revolve around building the membership of the Association.
Nominations and Elections Committee
This committee prepares a list of candidates for officers, executive council, and delegate assembly members.
Research Committee
The responsibilities of this committee include encouraging, initiating, and engaging others in program development and research.
Resolutions Committee
This committee is charged with presenting to the Association resolutions that state the principles, policies, and goals of the Association and resolutions that direction action or state the position of the Association on matters of current importance.
Standards and Performance Committee
This committee works with other professional organizations in teacher education in the development and interpretation of quality standards that refer to the intent and scope of the IATE.
Ad Hoc Committees
The president, with the approval of the Executive Council, may appoint or dissolve ad hoc committees and commissions as deemed necessary.